NS Telecomm (A business unit of NOVEC Solutions, Inc)

NS Telecomm (A business unit of NOVEC Solutions, Inc)



About Us

NS Telecomm offers network data transport connectivity throughout Northern Virginia and the Washington metropolitan region. We deliver a wide range of Gigabit Ethernet lit bandwidth services that are delivered through a virtual private network. Our innovative solutions allow customers to save big on fiber expenses while maintaining a secure, reliable network. And with our patented DWDM Multiplexer, we can provide full duplex (transmit and receive) on a single fiber strand, a 50% MRC savings.

Rep/Contact Info

John Kipfer
Director Sales and Engineering

Printed courtesy of www.loudounchamber.org – Contact the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
19301 Winmeade Drive, Suite 210, Leesburg, VA 20177-1298 – (703) 777-2176 – info@loudounchamber.org