Loudoun GovCon | Create and Maintain a Secure Facility: It Takes a Village

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Obtain Clearance, and be a Sponsor
Obtaining and maintaining a facility clearance is a major obstacle faced by government contractors seeking prime contract awards. Hosted by Telos Corporation, a 2017 Cogswell Award winner, this event will leave attendees with practical knowledge and best practices from industry experts who have successfully navigated the facility clearance process.Obtain Clearance, and be a Sponsor
Join the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce GovCon Initiative and explore what a facility clearance could mean to your business. Following keynote remarks from Telos? Christopher Pursell, a panel will take center stage to discuss challenges all contractors face when obtaining facility clearances and sponsorships.
Christopher Pursell is the Security Manager and Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO) at Telos Corporation. Chris has led the company to five consecutive Superior ratings from the Defense Security Service (DSS), and as a result of these efforts, Telos was named a recipient of the 2017 James S. Cogswell Outstanding Industrial Security Achievement Award.
Brian Bataille is the Program Manager for Triple Point Security. Brian has extensive experience within the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, Treasury, and the National Institutes of Health and most recently led Triple Point Security in obtaining their own facility clearance.
Ben Barlow is a former Administrative Law Attorney in the Office of General Counsel at the NSA and currently a government contract attorney with Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig. During his time with the Agency, Ben reviewed contractor clearances and served in an advisory capacity, counseling management on matters including policing, personnel, and federal agency interaction issues.
Lisa Kimball is Vice President of Identity Management at Telos Corporation. Lisa leads programs that provide secure access to military bases, office buildings, airports, disaster sites and other facilities and also serves as the Chairperson of Virginia?s Identity Management Standards Advisory Council.
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- Two Tickets to Each Event
Exclusive to GovCon Industry
- Logo recognition on all marketing Display
- Table at each event
- Two Tickets at each event
Loudoun GovCon | Create and Maintai...
Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 30, 2017
8:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
8:00 - 8:30 | Breakfast/Networking
8:30 - 10:30 | Program
Fee Description:
$35 | Member
$50 | Non-Member
Contact Information
Danielle Kabban | Events Manager
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