2nd Annual Bite Me Cancer Cancerversary: Celebrating Survivors.
We invite all cancer survivors, friends and families, to come celebrate another year of surviving and thriving; and also join us to celebrate Nikki's 5-year cancerversary!
Our event this year will be held at the Greater Reston Arts Center (GRACE) in Reston with food/wine provided by Il Fornaio at a discount. The works of two artists will be on display at GRACE that evening, Patrick Dougherty and Patterson Clark.
Here are the details. Individual tickets and sponsorships are available. All proceeds go to the mission and goals of Bite Me Cancer.
Individual Tickets: $125 each and includes reception and a 5-course wine dinner.
You purchase your tickets and sponsorships at the Crowdrise link using the button "Donate To This Fundraiser."
Strength Table Sponsor: $1500
Table sponsor includes: 8 tickets, recognition in all social media as well as table signage and other promotion at the event.
Courage Signature Sponsor (1 Available): $2000
Includes everything in the Strength Table Sponsor Package plus your company representative has a speaking role at event.
Bite Me Cancer is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Date and Time
Sunday Apr 19, 2015
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM EDT
Sunday, April 19, 2015
5:30pm to 8:30pm
GRACE (Greater Reston Arts Center)
12001 Market St Suite 103
Reston, Virginia 20190
$125 per individual ticket.
Includes full dinner and wine selection.
Sponsorships also available.
Contact Information
sharon@bitemecancer.org, 703.709.2539
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